

December 11, 2017 Uncategorized 0

We are A-Way Productions, a young, energetic and creative group filled with enthusiastic students and starters based in Groningen. Although none of us is professionally trained in the field of theatre-making, we all have experience with theatre and are motivated to make our theatrical performances the best we can.

With our previous plays, we have tried to achieve a certain awareness in the society around certain themes and taboos. Our first play, ‘Bang, Bang, You’re Dead’ approached school-shootings and discussed issues such as bullying and the pressure on teenagers to fit in a certain frame. Our second play, ‘Slaughterhouse-Five’ focused on Billy Pilgrim,  a former soldier, who since his return from the battlefields in 1945 suffers from PTSD and hallucinations, although he is preceived to be a war-hero.  Our next project, which we will perform in the summer of 2018, wil again create certain social awareness and emphasize the importance of memories, even if they are painful.

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